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Siamo stati invitati a questo mega lupus, sotto menzione di foruml (:

Vi allego qui il messaggio originale inviatomi da Thingyman.

Se aveste bisogno di una traduzione, fatemi sapere.


Hello Josephine


I would very much like to invite your community to take part in Season 4 of the Lupus/Werewolf/Mafia World Championship.


The Mafia Championship is an annual online tournament series that pits representatives from various forum Mafia (aka Werewolf) communities against one another as they compete to determine the Internet’s greatest forum Mafia player. Each participating community democratically elects one person to represent them and become their “Champion”.

Season 1 ran in 2013-2014, while Season 2 and Season 3 ran in 2015 and 2016, respectively. As of Season 3, a total of 160 communities have been represented in the Mafia Championship, making it the largest cross-forum event on the Internet. People from all over participate in these games -- we have American, British, Australian, Danish, Romanian, Spanish, Italian, Swedish, Polish, German, etc. communities.


I hope that all this sounds very exciting :)


If your community would be interested in participating, just let me know -- or if you have any questions.


More information here:


- 150 communities will be participating -- hopefully you will be amongst those
- The setup this year: 15-man Mountainous (3 vanilla werewolves vs. 12 vanilla villagers), no special roles
- Qualifiers take place during May and June. So your rep would just need to have 2-3 weeks where they could play during either of those months (they play in just one qualifying game at whatever time suits them best).
- Your rep can choose between 12, 36, 48 or 72 hour Day Phases
- Your rep needs to make a minimum of 10 posts per Day Phase
- The activity will be higher than what you're used to - expect maybe 500 posts per day the first few days (but then it ofc drops after that)
- Deadline for deciding on a rep/volunteering: April 23



Cosa ne pensate? Partecipiamo?

Inviato (modificato)

Wa ma io mo ho visto, da dove è apparto questo topic? xD

Che figata forse, ma chi ce l'ha il tempo di mettersi appresso a quelli. Io poi non lo so l'inglese :( 

Modificato da L Lawliet
8 minuti fa, L Lawliet said:

Ma poi le partite sono tutte 3 lupi vs 12 contadini semplici. Che palle direi :D 

no vabbè ora ti lamenti delle partite che fanno li.....oddio aiutooooooo! :D 


sto scherzando! 


Ma pure a giorno 1 e 2 eh, per dire. Cioè in base a cosa dovresti capire se una persona rogata è lupo o meno. O altre cose. Che poi tra l'altro la persona che passa le qualificazioni, non è tra chi ha vinto ma tra chi viene scelto per una votazione (almeno da quello che ho capito al volo). Totalmente unbiased la cosa XD


Hello everyone, I'm the organizer of this event, pleasure to meet you all :)


I think I saw someone mention a game had 12,000 posts? That's not the case for any games in the past 2 seasons at least. The finale last year had 5,500 posts (17 players instead of 15 though).


It's indeed one representative per community (and then one backup).


Let me know if you have any more questions.

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Lupus in Forum è un sito web incentrato su Werewolf (Lupi e contadini), la più celebre variante del gioco di società Mafia.


La community offre a tutti gli iscritti la possibilità di partecipare alla versione online del gioco, gratuitamente e nelle tante varianti proposte dai nostri giocatori più affezionati. Puoi consultare la nostra Guida al Lupus per maggiori dettagli...


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